
In 2020, Tesla Medical s.r.o. received support from European Structural and Investment Funds, implemented through the Operational Programme Prague – Growth Pole of the Czech Republic and drawn through the second call for Specialized Vouchers ( CZ.07 .1.02/0.0/0.0/16_025/0000605). The support helped fund Tesla Medical s.r.o.’s project “Design of a neurostimulator solution for home use” in Prague aimed at developing a neurostimulation device for home use. An expected output of the project was the design of an optimized HW solution and the design of SW solution for use of the neurostimulator in home environment by the patient. The project “Design of a neurostimulator solution for home use” was co-funded by the European Union.
In 2020, Tesla Medical s.r.o. received support from European Structural and Investment Funds, implemented through the Operational Programme Prague – Growth Pole of the Czech Republic and drawn through the third call for Specialised Vouchers ( CZ.07). .1.02/0.0/0.0/16_025/0000605). The support helped fund Tesla Medical s.r.o.’s project, “Focusing of stimulation pulse” in Prague, aimed at identifying the optimal location to apply stimulation on a patient’s body. An expected outcome was the design of an electronic solution for identifying the optimal location near a nerve for the application of neuromodulation treatment. The project “Focusing a stimulation pulse” was co-funded by the European Union.
In 2021, Tesla Medical s.r.o. received support from European Structural and Investment Funds, implemented through the Operational Programme Prague – Growth Pole of the Czech Republic and drawn through the fourth call for Specialized Vouchers ( CZ.07 .1.02/0.0/0.0/16_025/0000605). The support helped fund Tesla Medical s.r.o.’s project, “Automatic switching of stimulation electrodes” in Prague. This project sought to develop an improved method for switching between the different pads of a stimulation electrode. The expected output is an optimized and more intuitive design for a HW solution and a design for a SW solution. These designs facility easy use by patients in their comfort of their own home and increase the efficiency of the neurostimulator as a medical device The project “Automatic switching of stimulation electrodes” was co-funded by the European Union.

Within a framework of a Support and Entrepreneurship in the Moravian-Silesian Region 2020 programme, a TechArt voucher project was co-financed. The support was aimed at an ergonometric solution for a neurostimulation device and the project was named – “Incontinence solution for home use”. The outcome of the project was an optimized ergonometric design of individual parts of the neurostimulation device with regards to its use.

InnoBooster voucher
As part of the program Support and entrepreneurship in the Moravian-Silesian Region 2022, the subsidy title project – InnoBooster voucher – was co-financed. The support was aimed at creating a new position for a marketing specialist to improve B2B and B2C communication.